6-weeks-meditation intensive
My Favorite Meditations
Can't travel outside - travel inside! I invite you to inner journey of self-exploration, healing & enlightenment!
The Prehistory
My first encounter with meditation was during Transpersonal Workshop in Moscow in 2003. It was a series of Anna Wises meditations. I was surprised to learn how easy it is to transform consciousness and be able to discover and explore the inner world. Since then, I tried a lot different schools and techniques in Psychology (Holothropic breath, NLP, Hypnosis, etc.), including alternative, like Clairvoyant Academy in Moscow in late 2009, which started a whole new page of my spiritual search and exploration. I felt irresistible surge to meditate more.

This is when my guides led me to all these beautiful meditation jewels that I have experienced again and again, the magic and healing effect of which I am still discovering up to these days. I thought what else could I possibly do after practicing them so intensely for so many years? Yet, I just accessed another layer of where they are coming from and why I was guided to them, a deep and exciting soul remembrance and awakening to who I am and where I am coming from.

I wish these meditations become not only the start (or continuation or diversification) of your regular meditation practice but also a beginning of an exciting journey of healing, self-exploration and soul remembrance, like they did for me.
Is it you we are looking for?
This course will suit anyone who is seeking more peace and health especially in these turbulent times.
You may have or not have the Mind Mirror. We hope that this course and group setting will help you to get more organized about regular meditation practice as well faciliate your work with the Mind Mirror.

The Mind Mirror owners will gain extra benefits learning more about:

* The Mind Mirror brainwaves theory or Mind Mirror practical issues: hook-up, settings, session recording and analysis
* Mind Mirror portal practical issues: how to set up an account, upload a session, analyze the session, share the session
* 6 meditations from my golden collection to help heal yourself and others, feel more centered, grounded, healthy, facilitate manifestation and guidance from higher realms.
About Meditations
Each meditation has its story that I will be glad to share with you along with what effects you may expect and what brainwaves you may see while practicing it on a regular basis.
Here is a glimpse of what's on the program:
Have you always dreamt of healing but did not know where to start?
- I will give you simple techniques that you can start using and benefiting straight away. You will build your confidence quickly and feel healing happening.
Can you feel your chakra's and auric field or are they still more like a mental concept to you?
- I will provide you with exercises that sooner or later you will be surprised to see how actually you are very well aware of your chakra's and the present energy state.
Would you like to master your manifestation skills?
- We all are used to put a lot of effort and push and need more than ever to learn to simply open the flow, build trust and allow for things to come. No doubt, you will enjoy the gentleness of these meditations and magic that they bring into your life.
Would you like to stay more balanced, focused, feel more confident and connected with the higher, wiser self?
- We will practice building trust, setting connection, raising frequencies to feel the presence and receive the wisdom, healing and support from higher dimensions. You will encounter bigger, wiser, grander self.
Would you like to travel to etheric realm and feel these loving, lightening vibrations of the higher dimensions?
- I will take you to the places you may never heard of, though you can get there at no time and no tickets needed, the sensations are wordless and you can always find your way back there.
When? What? How much?
Online Session Once a Week for Everyone (Saturday) /
Online Q&A Session Forntnightly for Mind Mirror Users (Sunday)
Everyone will meet weekly (Saturday) for 6 weeks online for 1.5-2 hours group session, where I will do a brief introduction to the meditation and overview of the benefits and brainwave patterns it evokes, after which we will do this meditation (online or offline) with/ or without Mind Mirror hook-up.

Mind Mirror Users are invited for 3 (1st, 3rd and 5th week) 1.5-2 hours group Q&A sessions addressed in particular to the Mind Mirror Users technical questions related to usage of the Mind Mirror, portal, brainwaves analysis, etc..
Homework & Support During the Week
You will get the session recording as well as meditation links that will allow you to practice this meditation during the following week. 1 time is good, 3 times is very good, 5 times is excellent! It is totally up to you! But the more you practice – the more you benefit.

I highly recommend that you hook yourself to the Mind Mirror at least once to see what is going on with you during this meditation and compare it with your subjective experience. I also highly recommend you to upload it to the portal (you may use 10 sessions that are available for free) and share a link with me, so I could have a look too and comment on it during our group or private (for VIP, read more below) online meetings.

All participants will be added to a closed Telegram group page to share their questions, experiences at any time.
Three Packages
There are 3 packages that allow you to join this course adapted to the fact that you may or may not use the Mind Mirror.

Meditation Lovers Package
$66/6-weeks = 6 group online meetings:

The minimum package for non Mind Mirror users. It allows you to get access and practice the meditations like others, share your experiences with a group and learn more about brainwaves and patterns from others while participating in our live online meetings.

Mind Mirror Users Package
$111/6-weeks = 6+3 group online meetings:

If you choose Midn Mirror User package, you will get access and are expected to practice meditations with at least one hook-up and entitled to submit your meditation sessions Mind Mirror recordings to the Mind Mirror portal and ask Practitioner questions about your meditation, share subjective experiences with a group while participating in a live online group meetings.

To cover all possible technical questions of Mind Mirror usage, you are invited for 3 extra Q&A sessions during (1st, 3rd and 5th week). This will give you a chance to get help in performing the correct hook-up, advance your skills in setting and recording the Mind Mirror sessions, learn more about brainwave patterns and how to analyze them, help you to learn how to use the Mind Mirror portal.

VIP Package ($199/6-weeks = 6+3 group + 1 individual online meeting(s):
If you choose a VIP package, on top of the above packages, you are also entitled for a 1-hour private online consultation with a Practitioner where you could ask any question about any of the meditations, usage of the Mind Mirror, your brainwaves pattern or even upload and test/analyze your own favorite meditation with the help of the Practitioner.
Meditation Lovers
6-online group meditation sessions
(no Mind Mirror needed)
Mind Mirror Users
6-online group meditation sessions
3-online group Q&A sessions
about using the Mind Mirror
6-online group meditation sessions
3-online group Q&A sessions
about using the Mind Mirror
1-online individual session
Expression of Interest Form
Please express your interest and we will inform you about the selected dates and time
when the group is formed
Your name
Your E-mail
What is your city, country (time zone)?
What topics are you most interested in?
What are your special interests/goals/questions for this intensive (if not covered by previous question)?
What time works best for you on Saturday?
What time works best for you on Sunday?
Please choose the package you would like to book for
Anything else you would like to ask or comment on?
Thank you! We will contact you for next steps!
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