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The Mind Mirror®
Neurofeedback for research, meditation, creativity,
peak performance, intuition and spirituality!

Interested in a session?
Feel out the form and we will contact you!
We operate in Australia only
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What we can do with The Mind Mirror®
Build personal power
through your brainwaves and inner states awareness
  • Learn
    How brainwaves can help you navigate your consciousness to more optimal states
  • Discover
    How deep your meditation practice is and how you can improve it
  • Practice
    How to open and sustain the creative flow and peak performance states
  • Check
    Your hemispheric (dis)balance and how to restore it if needed
  • Research
    Brainwaves operation during healing, psychic reading, before and after any treatment or energy work, during various altered states (incl. out-of-body experiences)
  • Manage stress
    With simple but effective techniques to quiten your mind, balance your nervous system and improve your heart health
Who The Mind Mirror® is working for?
Are you one us? We want to hear from you!
Highly Sensitive People
learn to manage stress, protect boundaries, heal trauma, manage and advance extrasensoric abilities
Meditators and
spiritual seekers
gain from The Mind Mirror® fast-tracking them to higher states
Business people
benefit from The Mind Mirror ® trainings and keys to peak performance and personal power
Creative people
learn how to open and sustain creative flow
Healers, mediums, psychics
love The Mind Mirror® for help in validating and understanding their inner experience
and energy interaction with the client
Consciousness explorers
love The Mind Mirror® for the ability to navigate and create own maps of consiousness through observations of brainwaves and relevant states in response to various stimuli
The Mind Mirror®
Standing on 40 years of research, The Mind Mirror® is a unique, state-of-art neurofeedback/biofeedback system customized for professional mind and consciousness research and training. Operating in real time, The Mind Mirror® precisely reflects the user's state of consciousness and it is like looking into this mirror of your mind to see how to adjust your mental activities to reach the clarity, creativity, insight, intuition, and spiritual awareness. Today, The Mind Mirror® is the world-wide choice of professional awakened mind trainers, self-trainers, neuro-feedback therapists, psychologists, consciousness explorers, and university-based researchers.
How it works
Identify your goals, book a session and know what to expect
Reserve 2.5 hours (please allow more for the first session)
Sessions usually take around 2.5 hours. For better results best time for a session is early morning or when you feel fresh and well-rested. Make sure you come to the session after enough sleep, and no stimulants that potentially can affect your normal brainwaves (caffeine in access that you usually take, alcohol, substances or medications that cause drowsiness, etc).
Set clear goals and book a session here
Book the session and clearly communicate the practitioner the subject of your primary interest. The booking form will suggest a list of potential topics of interest, you may choose one or formulate your own. Then, welcome to the session!
Learn about brainwave categories and patterns
You will be introduced to the basic theory to understand the nature of work and to be able to read the feedback data.
Experience neuro/bio feedback session
You will be hooked-up with a 5 electrodes EEG, that will be located on your head. The electrodes will do the reading only, they do not transmit any data back (this is a safe non-invasive technology). All feedback is provided in a visual and data form to the software. We will scan and measure your regular brainwave state and altered/meditative brainwave states. Depending on the nature of your request we may use other biophysiological meters BVP and GSR (which are clipped to your fingers) to measure your heart rate (pulse and heart rate variability or HRV) and skin conductance (stress).
Receive feedback and integrate
You will be provided with a feedback in the form of visual patterns as well as comments on how you perform(ed) and get recommendations of how you can improve your performance. If you choose a session with a report you will be provided with a written report by email.
Come back or enjoy the results
Integrate your learnings into your meditative practice and everyday experience. Use your quick keys to access more balanced/optimal/resourceful states, build up your mindfulness and wellbeing. Come back for more individual practical sessions or join our group practice/experiments in a local consciousness explorers group
What people say
Read what people say and learn more from our Video Blog
at the bottom of the page
  • Campbell M.
    HR Execitive
    'Living a busy and stressful life of a corporate executive, I had to spend 2 hours each day to bring my mind into its good shape for the day with the purchased binaural beats meditations. After a couple of neurofeedback sessions with The Mind Mirror® Practitioner, I learned that actually I can get there, into a high resourceful state, in less than 5 minutes with the right guided meditation containing my individual triggers (landmarks) that I was able to identify with The Mind Mirror® feedback.'
  • Klim M.
    Consiousness Explorer
    'Since being a child, I remember being exposed to all kinds of initiations, mind and body energy practices, travelling to sacred places with my mum. Now, in my early thirties, I was surprised to see a kind of validation of all this effort. As soon as I was hooked up to The Mind Mirror®, I showed the most advanced pattern of what The Mind Mirror® people call the Universal Consciousness Mind, the one of an awakened person, representing inner peace and unity with all that is. After all these years, it was good to see what others cannot see but probably only sense, to see the level of inner growth that resulted in this very advanced state of consciousness'.
  • Graham M.
    'I was doing one of iAwake meditations and was curious if the promised Gamma stimulation is really there, as well as if it truly would take me to a higher/deeper state. And yes, indeed, we could see a gradual Gamma brainwave curve going up, and a deeper state as promised! It is a great tool to test and explore what and how affects your consciousness!'
  • Inge C.
    Manager of Wallacia Development Centre
    'Working with all form of mediumship, it was especially interesting for me to see if we can clearly observe when and if the person is connecting and how it is displayed on the screen. How the process works and when the channelled spirit comes in… During recordings with the Mind Mirror EEG we did see how all the brainwaves collapsed, leaving only slowest Delta brainwaves, leaving this door to universal consciousness open, and then, in a couple of seconds, the medium appearance and voice changed as he channelled his well-known spirit friend… At the end of this channelling experience, we evidenced the same phenomenon, all brainwaves collapsed (except Delta) for a couple of seconds, to then medium's mind returned to full consciousness and we saw the 'normal' Gary again...'
  • Paula B.
    Medical Nurse
    'I came to see Oxana because I read Anna Wise's book and wanted to try this work on myself. My primary goal was to rebalance my brain, since I discovered (through Naturopath) that my left side of the body was under-energised. At the same time, I felt I was lacking creativity and I wanted to find my way back to painting again. And, indeed, on the very first session, the brainwaves did show strong left hemisphere dominance… which means that my right hemisphere, responsible for creativity, was undermined. On the very second session, we did a series of exercises and meditations, that 'opened' my right hemisphere. Too much in the beginning, and balancing themselves, as we progressed. By the end of the training, I could feel both sides of my body more alive, myself as more whole and present, and I even starting painting and thinking of my new creative projects!'
  • Khali Y.
    Corporate Coach and Workshop Facilitator
    I spent a number of days training the Awakened Mind protocols with Oxana, hooked up to the Mind Mirror EEG. During this time Oxana was incredibly generous with her knowledge and time, preparing thorough EEG analyses of my recorded meditations and patiently guiding me through the protocols and teaching me how to use the equipment. I found the experience of doing the Awakened Mind practices and meditations profound. I was delighted to experience such rich, vivid, magical imagery being produced by the depths of my subconscious. The journey of tapping into and engaging with this over a number of days was beautifully healing and transformative. This experience awakened me to the inner symbology of my psyche which I now dialogue with on a daily basis as part of my Awakened Mind meditation practice. This time of contact with my essential being has become indispensable with so much ongoing healing and clarifying of the truth of who I am. For all of this, I am immensely grateful to Oxana.
  • Natasha S.
    I was struggling with anxiety but did not feel like going and talking my head over to the traditional psychologist. I was drawn to the idea of managing my mind with the help of the Mind Mirror through brainwaves training. After 5 sessions, I discovered that I could sense or be aware of different states of mind and what was crucial for me, finally master my Beta monkey mind that was used to create much trouble for me. I also was pleased to discover for myself that actually neurofeedback can take you into very high, blissful states in a healthy natural way, no drugs needed. I have been also facinated with the Mind Mirror theory of brainwaves, which metaphorically confirms and resonates with what I already innately know. I discovered that I am a very sensitive person and I can hear my intuition quite well, including receiving intuitive messages for others.
Pricing and Payment
These are the prices for individual private sessions.
"Pay Now' buttons will take you to payment terminal.
LIVE 1-Day Mind Mirror Training
(3,5-4 hours)
AUD 375
Best for first encounters with the Mind Mirror, includes:
introduction to the Mind Mirror, hook-up diagnostics or experimental session, feedback and recommendation
LIVE Regular or Follow-Up Session
(2-2,5 hours)
AUD 175
Best for follow-up sessions or those who already know the Mind Mirror, includes:
follow-up from previous session(s), hook-up experimental
or training session, feedback and recommendation
ONLINE Couselling/Mentorship Sessions
(1,5 hours)
AUD 175
Online Counscelling/Mentorship sessions for the Mind Mirror owners and everyone interested in Mindfulness, Consiosuness Transformation and Energy Reading.
Interested in a session?
Feel out the form and we will call you back!
To get a call you must be in Australia
Other Offers

These seminars are for the Mind Mirror owners who are seeking a professional career
as a certified Awakened Mind Consciousness Trainer or Self-Train.
Seminar 1-2 will provide future practitioners and/or self-trainers with a hands-on equipment and personalized meditation training for more rapid attainment of the meditation, awakened mind, and evolved mind brainwave patterns.

This is a 6-weeks-online-course to all seeking more health and peace in these turbulent times! My guides led me to all these beautiful meditation jewels that I have experienced again and again, the magic and healing effect of which I am still discovering up to these days.

I wish these meditations become not only the start (or continuation or diversification) of your regular meditation practice but also a beginning of an exciting journey of healing, self-exploration and soul remembrance, like they did for me.
Video Blog
Watch these videos to learn more about The Mind Mirror work.
For more videos go to:
Institute for the Awakened Mind Video Gallery
webinars cuts
We are delighted with our webinars! Beginning in 2016, we have hosted a superb series of programs on The Mind Mirror, gamma brainwaves, Max Cade and Anna Wise, meditation, healing, music, creativity, neurofeedback, spirituality, and much more. Whether you have joined us online or not, we invite you to watch our best moments cuts from 2016 and 2019!
webinar cut
This are fragments compilation from the working group, where we explored the teachings of Max Cade and Anna Wise on meditation and shared our experiences and understanding of what meditation means to each of us. Enjoy this open, free-flowing discussion and the deep insights offered by like-minded people. As one of the participants said, "Each of the speakers gave him a handle" on meditation.
Mind Mirror studies have shown since Max Cade's time that healing occurs within our well-known Awakened Mind and Evolved Mind brainwave patterns. But nowadays, we also see the involvement of gamma frequencies. How does healing occur, and what do gamma waves have to do with it? Judith Pennington addresses these questions in a preview of a Power Point show she prepared for the Energy Psychology Conference being held in Paris May 26-27. These narrated visuals explain her theories on how healing works and trace 15 years of her Mind Mirror research with hands-on healers and self-healers. She shares their stories, methods, and Mind Mirror patterns. This journey into the heart of healing includes not only the brainwave patterns of hands-on energy healers and recipients, but also people who have healed themselves via HemiSync and SAM audio technology at The Monroe Institute. You will also see the brainwave patterns of self-healers attending Dr. Dawson Church's "tapping" seminars in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) at the Omega Institute and the Open Center in New York. Tune in to be inspired and encouraged about your brain's ability to access higher levels of awareness to heal self and others.
In this webinar, we share our stories, and learn about spiritual awakening from the viewpoint of brainwave theory and Awakened Mind practice. Consciousness transformation can be registered and is reflected in the change of your electrical brain activity. Decades of research of awakened people, yogi's, healers, etc., show what it looks like. Tune in – and lift up!
This is an interview about "Meditation, Spirituality and Tools for Human Evolution" with transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy teacher, trainer, author, publisher and film maker, scientist, Vladimir Maykov Ph.D., conducted in April 2020. In this interview we are looking for the answers to the central questions of all spiritual seekers: spirituality, meditation, trauma, healing, transpersonal psychology, human evolution. We are exploring these questions with Vladimir and with the quite famous characters of his documentary "The Dance of Infinity", the fragments of which you will find incorporated in this video.
IAM's historic studies with The Monroe Institute provide us with pioneering data on changes of consciousness in large, simultaneously monitored groups of people within a controlled environment. Tune in to this program to see the remarkable effects of Hemi-Sync binaural beats and SAM (gamma) audio technology on brain balancing, refinement of the Awakened Mind, Evolved Mind, and Gamma Synchrony patterns, and the extension of those patterns all the way up to 100Hz. Sound technology expert Robert Holbrook will explain his delivery of gamma beats through his innovative Spatial Angle Modulation (SAM) technology; TMI's use of brainwave entrainment to conduct people into higher levels of awareness; and his own work with SAM and military veterans with PTSD. Judith Pennington will present Mind Mirror findings in a Power Point show on TMI's June 2017 "Journey to Happiness" program. See how we used the Mind Mirror's data analysis tools to reach our conclusions and how you can use them to track changes in your own states of consciousness.
Over the past few months, Judith has seen some extraordinary brainwave patterns which have significantly expanded the Mind Mirror knowledge base, especially with regard to 100Hz readings. In this program she shares with you people's stories of superconscious awareness and their gamma-infused brainwave patterns. She will also illustrate the use and importance of the Coherence Reports available in the optional Mind Mirror Features Pack. Tune in to see how "high" people are traveling and how they get there.
webinar short version
This is a 30-min summary of the webinar, a logical continuation of our conversation on stress and meditation. We discussed the Practice of Silence as taught by The System of Health Management, developed by the Russian scientist and doctor, Dmitry Shamenkov. This is one of the key practices within this scientifically based system, teaching about the basic principles of life (laws of nature or God's laws) derived from physiology of living systems and complemented with modern studies of neuro-, bio- and socio- sciences as well as physics and information technologies. Knowing these principles will provide you with a set of keys not only for a successful meditative practice of silence but also to a healthy, productive and self-actualizing life for yourself, your close ones and your clients.
Anna Wise was a brilliant meditation author and guide. Like Max Cade, she understood that nothing evolves brainwaves and consciousness like transmitting the energy of love, caring, and compassion to self and others. Today's neuroscientists and holistic physicians agree, as do all healers and the most ancient spiritual traditions. Judith discusses the scientific background and the brainwave changes involved, and then share an exciting new study she authored with best-selling author and EFT/EcoMeditation guru Dawson Church, which Mind Mirror research has just been published in the Energy Psychology Journal. The best convincer, of course, is direct personal experience, so tune in to this program, close your eyes, and feel the power of group energy healing while Judith guides you through Anna's 30-minute meditation.
In this webinar, Awakened Mind Practitioner Oxana Bondarchuk shares her insights and observations from the Brainwaves Training for Mediums that she conducted for Wallacia Development Centre in Sydney. By mediums here, we imply not only the ones who talk to the spirits of the dead but anyone with a hypersensitive ability to read, heal, channel, psychically move objects with what they claim to be help from the other side. It will be of interest to everyone who is interested in developing intuition and pushing the limits of the human norm.
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+61 451 850 950
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